Enable Adam to continue to thrive!
Building Blocks for Kids
Enable Adam to continue to thrive!
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Fifteen-year-old Adam is a true Cincinnati sports fan!  He loves to cheer on the Reds and the Bengals.  He is also a Boyscout and loves to go on campouts and scouting adventures.  Adam enjoys robotics and electronics and is interested in helping with any job that uses those types of tools.  He is the family tech support person.

Adam was born missing part of his 22nd chromosome.  This lead to many medical and developmental challenges.  He has had numerous surgeries and has worked hard in physical, occupational, and speech therapy for many years.  He overcame many obstacles to learn to speak by the age of 8 and now attends his local school where he receives support services in academics, speech, social, and executive function skills.

Five years ago, Adam began to see a functional medicine doctor after several other families had seen great success with their children.  Over a couple of years, Adam became very stable and many of his health issues were overcome through specific supplements that he continues to take.  These supplements are expensive and your help can allow Adam to stay healthy and continue to thrive!

ABOUT Meet a Need 2023

Building Blocks for Kids supports children and families who live with disabilities in a wide variety of ways.  One of those ways is through our Meet A Need Medical Scholarship Program.  This program allows us to meet individual needs, one child at a time.

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