Help Younjoong Speak
Building Blocks for Kids
Help Younjoong Speak
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Younjoong is the center of his parents' world and is looking forward to going to kindergarten in the fall.  But this adorable 5-year-old needs extra help to be successful.

Younjoong was given the diagnosis of Autism at the age of two when he wasn’t meeting milestones.  Sadly, that was about the same time that COVID shut down everything including the in-person therapy he really needed.  Since then, he has been receiving speech, occupational and behavioral therapies and gradual improvements are happening.

As Younjoong was still nonverbal and the age of four and did not understand the concept of blowing, a diagnosis of Apraxia of Speech was given as well.  Children with apraxia experience difficulty coordinating and initiating movement of the jaw, lips, tongue and soft palate.

In December of 2022, Youjoong started working with a speech therapist that is trained to focus on the issues associated with apraxia and he has already shown improvement including a clearly articulate “bye bye” and even blowing out the candles on his birthday cake in January.


Need:  Speech Therapy



ABOUT Meet a Need 2023

Building Blocks for Kids supports children and families who live with disabilities in a wide variety of ways.  One of those ways is through our Meet A Need Medical Scholarship Program.  This program allows us to meet individual needs, one child at a time.

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