Connor's Therapy
Building Blocks for Kids
Connor's Therapy
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Three-and-a-half year old Connor is a very sweet little guy who loves to watch Bluey, go outside to play, look at books, and draw.  He has a twin sister and two older sisters, one of which has been diagnosed with autism.

Connor was diagnosed at two-and-a-half years of age with autism.  Even prior to his diagnosis, he was receiving speech therapy and occupational therapy.  He now receives ABA therapy 5 times per week as well. Conner goes to therapy 7 times per week or 28 times per month and that cost along with his sister's therapy is very much a strain for this family of 6.

ABOUT Meet a Need 2023

Building Blocks for Kids supports children and families who live with disabilities in a wide variety of ways.  One of those ways is through our Meet A Need Medical Scholarship Program.  This program allows us to meet individual needs, one child at a time.

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